Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama

According to Ibn ʿAbbâs, the Prophet ﷺ said: – Sunnah of Hijama

If there is any good in your medical treatments, it is in the knife of the cupper, drinking honey, or cauterization with fire, as appropriate to the cause of the illness, but I would not like to be cauterized. (Bukhâri) - Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama

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Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama

From this ḥadîth we understand the superiority of wet-cupping to dry-cupping and that the baraka is in the incision at the cupping site.  Inshâ’Allah, in this article we will mention some specific sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ related to ḥijâma, such as timing, places of cupping on the body, and other benefits.

Timings for Cupping

Cupping is preferable in the middle of the month on the odd days of the seventeenth, nineteenth, and twenty-first according to a ḥadîth of the Prophet ﷺ, narrated by Abu Hurairah, in which he said:

Whoever is treated with cupping on the seventeenth, nineteenth, or twenty-first, will be healed from all diseases. (Abû Dawûd and Tirmidhi)

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Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama

Islam extols the odd number (witr), and our calendar follows the course of the moon.  It is common knowledge that the full moon affects the earth’s oceans and that the tides are highest during the full moon.  Other unproven theories abound, that the moon causes an increase in women who go into labor, and other studies seem to suggest that people with mental disorders exhibit increased symptoms during the full moon.

Allah knows best what correlation there is (or isn’t) between the full moon and the human body, but the Prophet ﷺ said that the middle of the month is the best time for cupping and that on the odd days, there is a cure for the disease (presumably because of the baraka in the odd days).  However, one can still be cupped at any time of the month without harm. - Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama

There are varying opinions on the best days for cupping and the disliked days for cupping, but it is sufficient to say that while there is no clear evidence to say any day is definitely good or bad, some scholars suggested avoiding cupping on Wednesdays.  However, this dislike was related to leprosy, an illness that is not present in most societies today.  Some preferred to be cupped on Monday and Thursday.  One reason for this may be because of the baraka of these days as they are both the days recommended for fasting.

Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama
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Fasting and Cupping

There is conflicting evidence about the permissibility of being cupped while fasting, though there is clear evidence that it is permissible to be cupped while in a state of iḥrâm.

One ḥadîth mentions that the Prophet ﷺ was cupped while fasting.  There is another statement by Anas ibn Malik in which is stated that it was not forbidden to be cupped while fasting, but that there was a fear of weakness or fatigue. - Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama

Yet there is another ḥadîth of the Prophet ﷺ to the effect that both the cupper and the one being cupped have broken their fast when he saw cupping being performed during Ramadan.  (Abu Dawûd and Ibn Mâjah)

Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama
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Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama

Based on these statements one should not have cupping done while in a state of ritual fasting.  Furthermore, it is recommended that one not be cupped on a full stomach and that one should “fast” from food and liquid for a few hours at least before being cupped.

Scientifically this makes sense, considering that when one eats the blood is pulled away from the surface of the body and is directed toward the stomach and intestines to aid in digestion.  Also, it is recommended to have a bath shortly before cupping, as having a bath will cause the veins to expand and improve blood circulation.

Places of Cupping

The Prophet ﷺ was cupped for various ailments and recommended it to others.  For instance, he ﷺ was cupped on the top of the head when he was afflicted with siḥr (meaning: black magic/witchcraft)  The Prophet called this spot “Umm Mugîth” and it is a strongly recommended place for cupping, not just for siḥr but for any issues related to the health of the head, brain, eyes, and psychology. – Sunnah of Hijama

Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama
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Understanding the Excellent Sunnah of Hijama

Whenever the Prophet ﷺ was visited by someone who complained of a headache he would advise them to undergo cupping.  And also we are all familiar with the story of the Jewish woman who poisoned the Prophet and that he felt the pain of that in his body for the duration of his life thereafter.  What many people may not know was that he had cupping performed on his body when he felt this pain as cupping both alleviates swelling/infection and also extracts harmful substances.

In one incident the Prophet ﷺ fell from his horse and dislocated his foot.  He was cupped for the swelling and bruising from this injury.  Personally, I have been cupped for an injury from a fall, and even weeks after the incident one can see that the blood that comes from the site of the injury is dark and congealed.  The Prophet ﷺ was also cupped on the two sides of the neck and in another narration additionally on the nape of the neck.

Many skillful practitioners of ḥijâma (called ḥajjâmîn, sing: ḥajjâm) have discovered different places for cupping that they recommend, in addition to these places where our Prophet ﷺ is known to have been cupped.  Just as in any other medical science, knowledge is gleaned over time by practitioners and new techniques come to be employed.  Some ḥajjâmîn have techniques that they use for alleviating pain in other areas, and others have techniques for treating infertility.  My own ḥajjâm says that many women become pregnant after having cupping done and that it greatly reduces the likelihood of miscarriage, presumably because blood flow is optimal and toxins are removed from the body, in addition to the baraka of the procedure.

Mr. Muhammad Nurullah - Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hijama Course Director, Hypnotherapy Course Director
Mr. Muhammad Nurullah - Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist,
Hijama Course Director, Hypnotherapy Course Director

It's Muhammad Nurullah who I am. I have a counseling license and degrees in psychology and hypnotherapy. I am in charge of three healthcare projects. This individual established the Ashrafi Hijama Treatment & Training Center, the Center for Mind Health Care and Clinical Hypnotherapy, and the Hypnotherapy Training Institute & Research Center.

No sickness, whether it be physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, or anything else, should ever be treated with medication. I have successfully treated over 800 people over my medical career, and I am certain that I can do the same for you.

All physical and mental illnesses are caused by insufficient subconscious training. Treatment options include hypnosis, limiting beliefs, and drugs for mental and emotional problems. You will be rid of any illnesses and issues as soon as you let go of any unfavorable emotional concepts.

Diseases shouldn't exist in India, in my opinion. To help anyone who is facing emotional or mental challenges, I offer hypnotherapy lessons. I teach cupping to those with medical conditions. For those who need them, I provide workshops in Reiki and chakras.

Contact Mr. Nurullah if you wish to arrange a meeting between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm or if you have any other inquiries. His telephone numbers are +919748385701 and 9007588855

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