Certification programmes in hijama therapy offered in India

Hijama includes piercing the skin and drawing blood with suction cups to cure a variety of ailments, including as migraines and hay fever. Therapists caution that some people giving the technique to patients are unqualified. And this is harmful to the health of the sufferers. Effective treatments for this illness include hijama and cupping. For lung conditions such as persistent cough, asthma, bronchial congestion, and pleurisy, cupping is an effective treatment.

Certification programmes in hijama therapy offered in India

the advantages of certification

  • Certification from a government-approved assessment agency.
  • Lifetime Certificate Valid.
  • Certificate verification for life.
  • Free job assistance based on your areas of interest.

You may also fill out the inquiry form below to request regular course training from one of our training centers in India.

Certification programmes in hijama therapy offered in India

An Overview of Cupping Therapy

Describe the idea of complementary and alternative medicine. Describe the development of cupping therapy and its relevance in relation to numerous nations, including China, Egypt, Greece, the Arab world, India, etc. Talk about the growing appeal of cupping therapy in India. Describe how cupping therapy differs amongst several medical systems, including Hijama in Unani and Raktamokshana in Ayurveda. Analyze the many cupping techniques used in various nations, such as India, China, Egypt, Greece, etc. Compare and contrast the principles of cupping therapy in various medical systems, such as Ayurveda, Unani, Traditional Chinese medicine, etc. Models, charts, and presentations via video.

Background on Cupping Therapy

Various forms of cupping therapy have a long history (Wet, Dry, Fire and Massage) Efficacy of various forms of cupping therapy Massage Dynamic cupping, biomagnetic cupping, and cupping Applications in Sports: Flash Cupping Facial Cupping Belly Cupping Cellulite Treatment Orthopedic procedures, Malik's "Cupping Therapy: A Traditional Therapeutic Program," Understanding how the idea of evidence developed in western medical institutions, as well as how gathering evidence has had dubious and corrupt implications, is crucial to comprehending why cupping therapy is considered unsuccessful.

Certification programmes in hijama therapy offered in India

Theory of Cupping Therapy

Explain the Unani idea of the four body humor: Dam (Blood), Safra (Yellow Bile), Balgam (Phlegm), and Sauda (Black bile), Discuss the range of conditions for which cupping therapy is effective, including aches and pains, digestive and gastrointestinal disorders, common and chronic diseases, heart diseases, lung and chest disorders, nervous system disorders, skin disorders, cosmetic procedures, and sports injuries. Describe the key considerations for administering cupping therapy to elderly and immobile patients. Show how to detect the physical characteristics linked to different diseases, Explain how to perform cupping therapy using the sample case studies as a guide.

Our aim is to find this lost Sunnah and apply it to the Ummah. We all fervently endorse the Sunnah and the teachings of the Quran regarding holistic health.

The personnel of the AHT&TC is dedicated to teaching students about cupping therapy and assisting them in starting their own hijama or cupping enterprises. Another objective of AHT&TC is to unite all medical professionals into one association in order to support and advertise this therapy broadly and perhaps even generate employment.

We provide a 3-day Hijama Cupping Therapy Crash Course for medical students who are interested in Unani, Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homeopathy, or any other alternative medical system. We give non-medical students a 5-day training (Basic Qualification 10th or equivalent).

Mr. Muhammad Nurullah - Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hijama Course Director, Hypnotherapy Course Director
Mr. Muhammad Nurullah - Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist,
Hijama Course Director, Hypnotherapy Course Director

I am Muhammad Nurullah in reality. I'm certified in hypnosis, clinical psychology, and counseling. a person in charge of three separate alternative medicine initiatives. This person developed the Center for Mind Health Care and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy Training Institute & Research Center, and the Ashrafi Hijama Treatment & Training Center.

Any condition, whether it be medical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual, should not be treated with drugs. Given that I have successfully treated more than 800 patients in my medical practice, I am confident that I can assist you. All physical and psychological issues are the result of mistakes made during training.

Clinical hypnosis can assist in your recovery from psychological and psychosomatic problems by helping you let go of limiting beliefs. You won't get sick or experience any problems after all of your bad emotional beliefs have been eliminated from your mind. I believe it is essential to eradicate all diseases from India. For all spiritual issues, I offer reiki and chakra healing, hypnotherapy for all mental and emotional issues, and hijama/cupping instruction for all physical issues.

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